Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Bootstrap UI

As a developer, I can code for hours, it is my passion, my profession, what I enjoy doing, and what I do for living. But let's face it, when it comes to design, I have my own doubts. Every developer has his/her fears when it comes to design, you will hear almost the same response or excuse from almost any developer, "I'm not a designer !!". Well for me, I love looking at websites, I can provide some valuable insights, but I lack the ability to actually design and build websites. I don't have the "designer" eye :)

Well for the everyday developer, this is not an issue any more. Welcome to the world of bootstrap. You can start developing websites with really fabulous responsive designs, literally with minimal amount of effort. What can you ask for more?

Bootstrap is an open-source Javascript framework developed by the team at Twitter. It is a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript code designed to help build user interface components. Bootstrap was also programmed to support both HTML5 and CSS3. 

What is really nice about bootstrap is the fact that it is becoming a standard. A lot of websites are being built using it nowadays. And to make things even better, there are a bunch of theme generators now, exclusively for bootstrap. 

So to make a long story short, you can build a website and have one or more themes, with nearly zero CSS efforts. It is really amazing.

So, if you are still reading up to this point, and feeling excited, head to their website and start right away. Also, check these nice websites which offer great themes.

Happy coding + designing :)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Visual Studio 2013

I cannot believe it has been nearly six months since my last post. Time flies really fast. For you out there, Visual Studio 2013 has been launched. It comes packed with so many interesting features. If you are interested and want to explore, book yourself a couple of hours and watch the following short movies that were published on channel 9 as part of the launching campaign.

What's New in Visual Studio 2013 Integrated Developer Environment (IDE)

Introducing Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Store Developers building HTML App

Creating Quality Applications Using Microsoft Application Lifecycle Tools

Introducing Visual Studio Online

What's New for Web Developers in Visual Studio 2013

Enjoy :)